Hello hola こんにちは hallo привет ciao
I'm Lori Lee Mendieta, and I've dedicated my life in taking cheerleading to the next level, one program at a time. Drawing on my decades of experience in the sport, I've developed comprehensive training, routine creation, and mentoring programs to help teams maximize their athletes' talents and achieve their goals.
I am incredibly passionate and purpose driven to experience life to its fullest. And cheerleading is my conduit.
My Story
When I was 12 years old, I discovered cheerleading at a high school football game in Orange County, California. As a Level 7 gymnast at the time, I was not only amazed by the team's tumbling skills but their incredible physicality. I'm not gonna lie; their outfits were pretty amazing also. That spring, I convinced my sister to join me and we tried out for our first team. This marked the beginning of a lifelong love for cheerleading. Throughout high school, I cheered on the sidelines with my all-girl cheer squad, and competed in the freestyle pom division at nationals, but I was eager for more. For two years, I made the 1.5 hour drive to Los Angeles four times a week to learn coed partner stunting. My dedication and hard work paid off when I made the University of Kentucky cheerleading and dance teams, and the rest is history.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
US Mobile: (404) 931-8674
WhatsApp: +1(404)931-8674